Welcome to the Better YOU Challenge!

6 Week Challenges to Transform your Health

About Us

Coach Dan and Dr. Mike have been partners in business since August 2023 but they each have a long history of education and coaching in the health and wellness world. Check out their bios below!

Dan Cornett, FNTP

I’ve been a health and wellness professional for over 5 years.  I have a certification in functional nutrition from the Nutritional Therapy Association.  I’ve personally worked with hundreds of clients specializing in providing support to busy professionals.  What makes me different is I’ve been in their shoes…

For 7 years I worked as a corporate wine sales representative selling wine to restaurants. I lived a very fast-paced, stressful, on-the-go lifestyle. The stressful nature of my job, on top of paying little attention to what I ate or drank, took a major toll on my body and led to significant weight gain.

I was tired all the time, my joints ached, I slept poorly, and had very low energy. After having the best year of my career, I quickly found myself struggling to hit my numbers each month!

At the time, I thought these were just signs of getting older. But clearly, I was wrong! It turned out that I, like millions of others in the US, was suffering from chronic disease. I was obese and was diagnosed with high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and prediabetes before the age of 34.

I knew I had to make some changes but had literally no idea where to start. Fortunately, one of my best friends was training to become a nutritionist and I began seeking out coaching from her. I was able to see firsthand the power of accountability coaching and through her recommendations and support, I cleaned up my diet, learned how to take care of my body and my mind, and over time, I reversed my chronic conditions!

But my health journey wasn’t quite over yet. In the summer of 2017, I was hit with a cancer diagnosis…

It was a rare form of bone cancer called chondrosarcoma and I was very fortunate that the tumor was caught early and was Stage 1. But, this scary experience made me realize that health is not something to be taken advantage of and it’s something we need to strive for every single day.

This inspired me to gain a certification in functional nutrition and now, 6 years later, I have helped hundreds of people to successfully change their mindset around food, lose weight, regain their energy, and take back control of their life and their career.

I’m passionate about helping busy professionals thrive by helping them achieve their personal wellness goals and be the best version of themselves through personalized nutrition, fitness, and mindset coaching.

Michael Fenster, DC

Dr. Mike Fenster has been practicing Chiropractic in New York and Atlanta for over 7 years! It’s gone by so fast! Life is fun when you are helping people achieve their health and wellness goals!

While in Chiropractic school in Atlanta, GA, Dr. Mike went above and beyond the expected adjusting requirements to fine tune and begin to master the art of adjusting the spine. Chiropractic is an Art and a Science, and Dr. Mike brings that knowledge to the table with every adjustment.  

After graduating Life College of Chiropractic with the Vitalism Award, he moved back to NYC to start a practice in his old Brooklyn neighborhood.

He has taken care of patients of all different ages, from infants to senior citizens, and from athletes to artists. He knows how important Chiropractic care is for every person, and personalizes the adjustments to cater to each patient’s needs.   

When not in the office, Dr. Mike can be found at home with his son Yonah building Legos, in the backyard garden with his wife Liza, or on a run with his dog Nyx.